Thursday, February 11, 2010

No Need For Cold Feet!

Last night, over dinner at Mr. Chow in Tribeca, the conversation eventually and inevitably turned to comfy couchwear. Specifically, a discussion of the individual merits of footed pajamas and Snuggies.

While admitting that footed pajamas were basically amazing, I still stood by my ever-faithful Snuggie; though I had to admit that part of me (Ok parts... AKA my feet) was left a bit dissatisfied in Snuggieville.

Apparently, on the other coast, improbablygonnabeacatlady's feet were experiencing a similar sensation.

At 3am, she sent me an email that put my anxiety to rest. Apparently a new brand of couchwear has jumped into the ring.

My friends, we introduce to you the Hoodie Footie Snuggle Suit:

Proving that sometimes, Jesus really does care.

1 comment:

  1. YOU ASSHOLE! It was not 3am. It was only 12:31AM PST.
