Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'll Just Wait Right Here

Every morning, I park my car in the same space, in the same lot, take the same elevator up to ground level and exit through the same set of doors by pushing them open.

Today, I stood in front of those doors, waiting for them to open automatically.

Sometimes I'm embarrassed for myself.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I put Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas is You" on non-seasonal playlists.

I listened to it on the way home from work today. I sang along.

I had to tell someone, so it wouldn't be weird.

I Won't Apologize For Caring

Tonight, in spin class, a man and I entered the room at the same time. We proceeded to walk towards the same bike at the same time. I attempted to be friendly and force an air of nonchalance into my voice: "Oh - bike 26? I think that's the one I signed up for." I didn't think this was the case - I knew it was. I made a conscious decision to sign my name in the box for bike 26.

He looked at me and paused. His beady little eyes squinted out a look of disdain, his nostrils flared, and a single eyebrow peaked into space generally reserved for forehead wrinkles. He motioned to the other bike. "Either one," he said, as he shrugged his shoulders, faking apathy about the eventual outcome of this conversation.

No. No it is not either one. My bike is bike 26. Carefully picked for its location and general ambiance. Don't try to make me feel like I care a little too much about what bike I'm getting. I care just enough. This is the way Monday night spin class works. You can't just go around being wrong.

He moved, by the way. And then he moved again. Turns out the other bike wasn't his either. And someone else cared just enough. Suckkaaaaa.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life Lessons Learned in Studio Cycling

In my fav Monday night spin class, you don't just get a workout.

This week's gem: "'Break-aways' are like relationships - you have to fully recover from the first one before starting the next one."

I've lived my life by this philosophy.

Fine, yes, I'm still recovering from the 3rd grade. What? I was one vulnerable little eight year old.

He also mentioned that even the most experienced cyclist can make it feel like the first time by adding resistance... Soooo feel free to take from that what you will.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I'm pretty sure I'm too tall for life.

While unloading my car, I hit my head on the corner of the roof of my parking garage...twice. Within the span of about 30 seconds.

Why can't the second time be the charm?