The other night, a coworker and I discovered our mutual love for spin class at Equinox. After a lengthy discussion concerning favorite teachers, annoying people in class, preferred music for rides, etc, I mentioned that I would secretly love to be a spin instructor.
What? I really like concocting the perfect playlist - Embarrassing true story: I once went through my iPod and divided my songs into 5 different playlists: Warm-up, Flats, Steep Inclines, Jumps, and Cool down.
Apparently a penchant for athletically-inspiring playlists does not an awesome spinner make.
The next morning, I sprinted (sprinting = socially appropriate power-walking) to my favorite Thursday morning spin class, finding myself 7 minutes late for class. The bike that I had carefully booked online 24 hours ahead of time? Taken. The instructor motioned me inside and said I could take his bike at the front of the class if I wanted. I considered this momentarily. I looked around the room. I suddenly realized that no one in this room, myself included, would be inspired by my "I work kind of hard for long periods of time, but can't really push myself into the 'pain is gain' category" gym mantra.
I looked back at Gregg and said "Um, I would feel bad..."
Now, at this point, there are two ways he can go with this:
Option A: "No, don't be ridiculous, you're awesome. C'mon let's get you set up."
Option B: Needing no explanation, he has me follow him to the back row, where he asks a very athletic looking gentleman if he would mind riding up front so that I can ride in the back.
I don't think I need to tell you which way he went.
I also don't think it would have been quite so painful, had it not been for the immediate look of understanding/smirk on the guy's face.
Sheesh, Jesus. It was just a pretend goal on which I never would have followed through. I thought you knew me better than that.
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