New Year's Pseudo-resolution: Lose 15lbs by March. Ok, easy breezy. I'll eat healthy and work out. I mean, I actually enjoy "health food" and I have an unhealthy love for Equinox. So why is this proving to be a slower process than I anticipated? The events of the past week have given me an idea or two.
I've been wanting to get back in to Bikram Yoga, so when a friend suggested a week trial for $20 at a studio nearby, I wholeheartedly supported the idea.
Monday was a fantastic mix of awesome, painful, and clock-watching.
Tuesday, I almost didn't want to go. I had a shoot in the morning and was totally exhausted by the time the evening classes rolled around. Luckily, my friend convinced me to meet her there. This class was much easier and I left feeling refreshed, limber and officially detoxed. I couldn't wait for the next 5 days of my week pass.
Wednesday I had an 11am hair appointment, ruling out the morning classes and a wine tasting at 4:30p which ruled out the rest of the evening. And the rest of my Wednesday night (Haiti fundraiser at Thompson LES, SL, 1OAK, L'Express...) officially ruled out all of Thursday. Uh yeah. Oops, my bad.
Friday morning was occupied with ADR and brunch with friends. Friday afternoon was occupied with a voice lesson, apartment cleaning, and a nap. Nap time unfortunately extended into Bikram time, and I woke just in time to sprint to work.
My friend was going to the 10am Saturday class, but my Friday evening of Ave & 1OAK left me sleeping until 11am. Brunch ruled out the noon class and shopping with mylifeissonotironic ruled out the evening classes.
So, today is the last day of my week trial. Somehow, I have only managed to attend two classes this week. I am determined to make it to the 10am class, despite the fact that I was up watching The Hurt Locker until 3am. I set my alarm for 9:03. I have my bag packed. I stumble out of bed at 9:22, toss on my clothes and grab my stuff. Somehow, this process took 20 minutes. Dont ask, because I don't know. I rush to the Greenwich Village location, of course missing the last light, being forced to wait for traffic to clear. I hit the door at 10:02. 10:02. The door is locked.
Honestly though??
I swear it's not my fault.
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