A wise man once said: Timing is everything. And millions of smirking assholes have repeated it ever since. And actually, I'm not altogether convinced that the first dude was really all that wise.
Yes, I'm bitter.
Of course timing is everything. Why wouldn't it be, when mine always happens to be preceded by the word 'bad?'
Do you happen to recall my flippant remark about my booker not calling for two months, and how sometimes I like to fly out to LA, just to see if he'll notice I'm on the other side of the country? Yes, well: A. I may have been embellishing a bit. It hadn't been quite two months and that was not the sole reason for this particular trip and B. Well... he did. Ok well kind of. He doesn't exactly know I'm out here, but he did leave me two messages today with excellent castings for today and tomorrow and a sidenote to call him.
No, but really. Honestly. All Summer long you call with the lamest castings ever. Then Fall hits and you don't call at all and instead send less-enthusiastic-emails-than-ever-before. So I leave and go to the coast with the booker who still uses exclamation points, xoxo's, and smiley faces. You're going to choose this time to call with castings I actually want to attend?? Of course you are.
In Addendum:
One of my closest friends leads a similarly ironic [read: painful] life. Today she gets a call from a company she interviewed at months ago. At the time, she was quite eager to take on the position. At the time, they were unable to offer it to her. Well, apparently at this time, they would like to offer it to her. Now, of course, that she no longer desires the position.
Ohhh timing, you slippery little minx you.
How to Find the Best Dining Spots Across the UK
2 months ago
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