I like to pride myself on being funny. Really funny.
Apparently, a sense of humor is not something you're born with.
I recently (just now) stumbled upon a book from my childhood. It has three different titles.
"All About Me. Charlie's Brown's Encyclopedia. My Own Diary."Essentially, it is one of those books that has small children fill out their favorite teachers and list their multiple hobbies, so that one day they can look back and laugh at how adorably naive they once were.
One of these pages is titled "Funny Stuff!" I shall list its contents below:
What makes me laugh the most is: Someone tickling me
My favorite cartoon is: Looney Tunes
Probably why I like to steal other people's puppies and quote Elmyra at every opportunity: "I'm gonna hug you and kiss you and love you forever (and never use you up)" (while squeezing Furrball to death)
The funniest friend I have is: Stuart
My first (fine, yes, first and only) "boyfriend". Apparently I've always gone for a guy with a sense of humor. Apparently I had better luck as a 5 year old.
The funniest movie I've ever seen is: Home Alone
You have to understand that my favorite movies were Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind. Small child attempting to use shaving cream is totally hilarious when set against this background.
The funniest thing that ever happened to me is: When someone was tickling me
I'm sorry... does anyone else think this question is vaguely similar to question #1? Amateur hour.
My favorite joke: Why did the chicken cross the road?
I would like to think that this is my smart-ass response to a stupid question. Really? You want me to pull a joke book off the shelf and list one of its canned one-liners here? Please. I create humor as I go.
It's been a long journey. In other exciting news, when asked who I would like to costar in a movie with... I replied Super Fudge!
Dare to dream.