Ok, for those of you who are concerned about people with disabilities - (And if you're not, you're an a-hole. Not that I'm judging. But I'm totally judging.) The Lanterman Act is basically the only thing that keeps services available for people with disabilities.
Governor Brown's proposed budget cuts would gut the Lanterman Act's promise that people with developmental disabilities will get the services and supports they need to live full lives in the community.
Most of the cuts probably would come from imposing what are called statewide "service standards."
"Service standards" sounds good on paper, but what it means is simply eliminating the IPP team's ability to pick the services and supports that the person with the disability needs, the key promise of the Lanterman Act. The 2009 caps on respite care and Early Start are the most recent examples of "service standards."
Under the Lanterman Act, IPP teams write plans to reflect the specific needs of individuals, but with the cuts being proposed this process would certainly be harmed dramatically.
SO if you have a minute AKA if you are desperately bored at work and need something to distract you or make you feel good about yourself for about 20 minutes or so... all you have to do is go to:
(or the State Senator/Assemblymember in your particular district)
and let them know that you would like to ask for their support in the protection of the Lanterman Act in the interest of adults with developmental disabilities.
Thank you. That is all. Now you can go back to being an a-hole.
P.S. The picture is my brother, Jeff. He is very severely disabled with Autism, and the Lanterman Act has made an indescribable difference in his quality of life. He says thank you. More specifically, he signs thank you. With a kiss.